A Doomsday Prophesy

Xinghe curled her lips into a smile. "A reward like getting Xi Empire to rescind its lawsuit against you."

"For real?" Ye Shen was startled.

"That depends on your cooperation and whether I'm satisfied with your answer or not."

"I will cooperate one hundred percent! I will answer every single question you ask!" For the sake of freedom, Ye Shen could promise even his life. He didn't want to spend his whole life in jail, being shared like a piece of meat. No secret was more important than that.

Ye Shen's emotions were a complicated mess.

This woman before him, who he once treated as something less than a pet dog, was riding over his head. She even managed to wrap Xi Mubai around her finger…

Just how did she do it? If he had known she would one day rise to this height, he wouldn't have treated her so badly before.