Like a Joke

"I swear, I will help you get Xi Empire off your back," Xinghe promised with confidence.

Ye Shen was finally placated. "Anyway, you have to cooperate with me. After all, I don't want to die in here when the end of the world comes."

"If you can live until then, sure, I don't mind cooperating with you. Of course, the premise is that you haven't lied to me."

For some reason, Ye Shen bought everything she said even without evidence. Then again, what other choice did he have? He was at her mercy. He needed her help to get out of there to prepare for the rapture in fifteen years. He might be penniless when he got out, but at least it was better than rotting inside the jail.


He had his own plan.

After Ye Shen got Xinghe's verbal promise, he cooperated and revealed everything he knew.

"That black casket is an energy crystal," he corrected her.

Xinghe was visibly surprised. "What energy crystal?"