Wait for Big Brother to Come Back (End of Military Arc)


"You had the perfect opportunity to launch a counter but alas, your whole family has chosen death…" Saohuang continued as his eyes moved to fall on Xinghe. His meaning was well understood. By choosing to help Xinghe, the Xi family had chosen death. If the Xi family cut all ties to her then most likely they would be able to survive this unscathed. However, they didn't and Saohuang couldn't say he didn't appreciate that.

His smile grew bigger. "However, I have to say, I'm mighty impressed by the Xi family, sacrificing so much just to save a woman. That's rare, don't you feel honored, Miss Xia?"

Xinghe stared coldly at him and her clear voice rang out, "I feel honored that someone would sacrifice so much just to frame me, that much is true."

"Miss Xia is someone unique so you deserve all the honor others are willing to lavish on you," Saohuang replied with a thin smile.

"I assure you, I will repay certain people with equal recognition."