Sleeping Beside Her

Xinghe understood their thoughts so kept her own to herself. Words were nothing but a waste of time. She needed to start working soon. The car soon reached the Xi family's old mansion. Since Munan brought her there, she treated the place like it was her home, she walked in liberally. The Xi family was indeed waiting for her. After they asked about her current condition, their questions moved into more serious territories and Xinghe answered them all.

"Stay here for the next few days, and don't go anywhere. We will handle the rest, thank you for your help earlier," Grandfather Xi told her with a light tone. They already knew about Xinghe's contribution in the military. They felt she had done more than her fair share, so they didn't want to trouble her anymore. However, Xinghe had her own plan but it was not the time to divulge it to them.

There was only question she needed to ask. "When will Mubai return?"