
Everyone was shocked by his sudden proposal. The only one unfazed was Xinghe.

"Because of my money?" she asked directly.

Sam nodded with a large smile. "That's right! Of course, you're a catch too and I'm not shabby myself, so why not…"

"Well, at least you're honest," Xinghe interrupted, "But I have to tell you, the money isn't mine. If there's chance in the future, I will introduce the both of you… maybe you two can get married instead."

Then Xinghe walked away. However, she turned after a few steps and said, "By the way, it's a he."

Sam was silent, while Wolf, Ali, and Cairn burst out in mocking laughs. Xinghe turned back to walk away and a smile threatened to surface on her face. She was able to joke with Sam like that because she knew Sam was joking with her as well. However, she couldn't help but wonder what Mubai's reaction would be if he was around. With her thoughts rounding back to Mubai, she started to worry about his situation again.