You Guys Go First, I Will Bring up the Rear

Everyone was shocked that news would arrive so soon.

"According to the source, they saw Charlie a month ago; Charlie was wearing black clothes and was heading to a location. The source refused to disclose the location until we meet them in person and hand them the reward money," Sam told everyone.

Wolf smirked. "This is such an obvious trap. People will do anything for money."

"It has to be. The person even told us to go with money in tow. Could they be any more obvious?" Ali also added.

Sam disagreed, "I don't think so because it doesn't sound like the person is lying. They said Charlie is going to some place special, a location he was too afraid to reveal through mail. They are only willing to come forward now because of the reward money."

"Could it really be that something happened to Charlie?" Cairn asked and the atmosphere turned serious.

Ali grumbled, "What if Charlie needs our help?"