Surround Them

"You really know where Charlie is?" Sam asked in a serious tone.

Ryan nodded. "Of course! I didn't mention anything earlier because there's nothing in it for me. Now that there is, I'm more than willing to tell."

"Ryan, if you dare to lie to us, you're a dead man!" Wolf pointed at him and warned.

Ryan laughed. "Don't worry, I will not lie to you."

"Okay, we'll trust you this one time." Sam nodded, signaling Wolf and Ali to go take the chest. The two produced from the car trunk a square silver chest. They put the chest on the floor and after they opened it; the glow of the chest full of gold was blinding. Under the glittering sun, the gold was bedazzling. Ryan's eyes were practically glued to them. He didn't expect Sam's gang to be able to really produce so much gold!

Ryan rubbed his eyes and asked, "Where did you guys get so many gold bars?"

Sam smiled cryptically. "That has nothing to do with you. You only need to tell us Charlie's location."