The Return!

Nothing was permanent. There was no need to be envious of those at the top because you had no idea when they would fall. Furthermore, the higher they were, the greater the fall.

Some there reveling in their misery. Grandfather Xi, who had spent his entire life in politics, could read their thoughts clearly.

"Dad, why don't you go home to rest, I can do this alone," Jiangnian advised Grandfather Xi softly afraid that he wasn't able to hold on. In fact, he himself was finding the situation harrowing. He felt immense pressure facing these people's gloating gaze. It would only get worse during the hearing.

Grandfather Xi understood his thought. He pulled himself up to his full height and declared, "Remember this, even if the Xi family really falls, we mustn't lose our pride! This is nothing compared to the fiasco I faced when I was building this family from the ground up. Do you think I will be defeated by this?"