She Loves to Be Personally Involved in the Revenge

They didn't expect the two of them to return so slowly.

"Mom, Dad, we're home."

Mubai smiled when he saw his parents. Mrs. Xi couldn't control herself and rushed forward to grab his arm as if to check he was really there.

"Son, you're finally home. Do you know how worried I was? Thankfully, you're home safe."

Compared to her, Mr. Xi was more collected. He was got straight to business, he asked, "Do you have what we need?"

This was the question the whole Xi family was the most concerned about. Mubai nodded firmly. "Yes, we got it."

"Wonderful!" Mr. Xi exclaimed with excitement, "I knew the two of you could do this! Quickly, get the evidence to the police. We still have time. Munan is now at military court so your timing is perfect, we can use your evidence to save him!"

Mubai and Xinghe looked at each other.

"Munan is at military court?" Mubai's eyes darkened. "What's going on?"