You Want Me to Respect You?

"That's right, we still have one final card we can use to completely destroy her! So what if she's won, the presidency will eventually fall into our hands!"

"Father, you're right, we still have hope!" Tong Liang rejoiced; her heart that had fallen into the abyss was suddenly revived. She was fidgeting with excitement. She could not wait to destroy Xinghe, to get back everything that she deserved!

When the father and daughter were having their moment, they did not notice Xinghe walking toward them. Xinghe was just close enough to overhear Tong Liang's last sentence.

"What hope do you still have, care to share your interesting conversation?" Xinghe's clear voice suddenly rang out, which spooked both Tong Liang and Tianrong. The father and daughter looked toward the sound of the voice and was shocked to realize Xinghe walking toward them. Behind her was the whole entourage. For some reason, they had a sinking feeling in their stomachs.