
Tianrong and Tong Liang held on to Xinghe's small social faux pas and decided to use it to ruin her reputation. Then tomorrow, they would unleash the evidence to frame and ruin her! They would make her pay for standing in the way of their plan!

Alas, no matter what they said, Xinghe remained unmoved. Even the people around her did not show much of a reaction.

"Are you two done?" Xinghe asked with a raised brow.

Tong Liang was incensed once more witnessing Xinghe's infuriating serenity. "Xia Xinghe, what do you mean by that‽ Or you dare say we are wrong‽"

"Indeed." Xinghe's eyes hardened and she added icily, "You two are wrong on so many levels."

"What do you mean‽" Tong Liang was beyond furious.

Xinghe smiled coolly and said, "What do I mean? I'm sure you know what I mean."

Tong Liang and Tianrong were startled.