Looking for Lylian

"Does she have a phone?" Xinghe asked.

"I'm afraid not." Empathizing with her, the manager promised with a smile, "Don't worry, Lylian is a good person. If she's found your bracelet, she will definitely return it to you. But from the looks of things, she did not find it."

"I still wish to personally ask her; do you know where she lives?" Xinghe asked softly but in a tone that brooked no argument.

The manager was cornered by her insistence. He sighed and said, "Fine, I can't stop you if you want to find her; this is Lylian's address, but I sincerely advise you not to. It is too late, and this place is not safe."

"Thank you, I will be careful." Xinghe turned to leave after gaining the address. However, she turned to fall into Mubai's gaze. Mubai's group was walking into the lobby.