Smell of Blood

This was Lylian's home. After a brief moment of hesitation, Xinghe walked into the building. Even though she had no idea what she was going to do next, she knew she had to get to know Lylian. Perhaps she could find out more from Lylian.

The building was truly creepy; there was barely any light in the corridor. Xinghe's every footstep was amplified by the silence of the night. Even her breathing was clear in the night. The darkness of the place seemed to heighten her other senses. The overall silent environment also weighed down heavily on her.

Xinghe took careful steps upstairs. Before she reached the second floor, Xinghe heard a sudden 'Dong!' that appeared out of nowhere. Xinghe stopped moving and managed to confirm that the sound indeed came from the second floor.

'Dong…' It happened again. This time Xinghe was sure it came from Lylian's room.