Qin Yuluo

The massive battle at Mt. Three Blades began with Patriarch Blood Sea's attacks on two juniors, Yang Jian and Qin Yun. Later, the conflict among God King Zhurong, Hou Yi, and Daoist Lu Ya attracted the attention of experts all across the Three Realms. Of course, Qin Yun was only a minor character in all of this. However, his killing of the few Chaos Godfiends like Wu Zhiqi and his ability to fend off Patriarch Blood Sea with his Misty Rain Array became his first display of his talent, winning him the true attention of the ancient existences of the Three Realms.

Time passed and in a blink of an eye, two thousand years had passed since that battle. The Three Realms remained calm and there was no further conflict between Zhurong and Hou Yi. As for Daoist Lu Ya, he vanished once again.

Green Touring Palace, Immortal Vanquishing Hall.