
Early the next morning.

Somewhere on the mountain peak of Mt. Lightning Roar, Qin Yun watched his granddaughter and said with a smile, "Yuluo, haven't you reached the half-step Golden Immortal realm? Show me the most powerful sword art you know at present."

His son Meng Huan and daughter Qin Yiyi had talent in sword arts. Now, they were at the sixth firmament Skyimmortal realm. That was already considered quite an impressive feat. The more mediocre disciples of Green Touring Palace were at this level as well, and they were able to reign supreme in the Small Worlds they occupied. However, they would appear ordinary when placed against the backdrop of the entire Three Realms. Qin Yun was helpless regarding this.

If he had the time, he could naturally slowly groom Huan'er and Yiyi.

But now, it was better to spend his time on grooming Yuluo.