At home, Gao Yang nearly always left food on his plate at every meal, and encountering a dish he didn't like, he would rather go without than force himself to eat it. However, after living a primitive life with the Akuri tribe for three years, Gao Yang never wasted any food again.
Hunger was the norm, with almost all food obtained at the risk of one's life. Under such circumstances, it would be strange if Gao Yang squandered any food.
Gao Yang now ate without waste, but he was slower compared to Number Thirteen. He wasn't as ferociously voracious either. Yet, he always felt extremely uncomfortable under Number Thirteen's unblinking stare while eating.
Holding his knife and fork, Gao Yang eventually lifted his head with resignation and said to Number Thirteen, "You've been watching me eat non-stop, which makes me uneasy. I'm very curious—if it's convenient for you to answer—whether your impression of hunger is exceptionally profound?"