Seventh Episode: Chapter 6

This was the moment of life and death! Oscar stared intensely into the girl’s eyes, examining thoroughly the movement and flickering of her pupils.

The girl’s soft, shining pupils suddenly dilated, and Oscar’s machete moved right at that moment. She was obviously in a disadvantaged position as the young man’s strength was much more powerful than that of her own. Although the girl had been avoiding direct strikes, there was not much one could do in such a dire situation, and soon enough the Persian girl was hit right in her guts by Oscar’s strong punch, throwing her off to the ground.

"No one can do this to me!" Arayna Mogadishu stared angrily at the Titan who was slowly approaching her. She stepped backward and clumsily fell into the riverbank, the lower part of her pants drenched with the freezing river water. Eventually, she came to realize that this fat, pig-resembling pagan did not intend to hurt herself, but only to humiliate her by removing her veil.