Ninth Episode: Chapter 9

Moving! Moving again! Oscar was already fed up beyond measure about this! He yearned to just settle down in a place for a while, but the God of Light just wanted to make life hard for him, it was this God who made the youngster go on the arduous road endlessly.

Actually, His Imperial Highness The Prince did not have much luggage of things of his own, it was just that the women felt that they should bring along anything that was still usable at home. According to the young lady and Lady Countess Antonia’s understanding, the amount of luggage symbolized their wealth and status, and it seemed that the bigger the luggage, the more they felt at ease.

On the morning of the 20th, the first batch of luggage had set out and it completely filled up six huge boxes of wagons that required four horses each to tow. Oscar initially thought that he could let off a sigh of relief, yet the young lady mobilized the women at home to engage in another round of packing tasks.

"This is simply driving people crazy!" Oscar said while peeling off a tangerine.

"Hehe, we are going to set off tomorrow, isn’t that so? There’s nothing big about it, all of this will come to an end." Alanis smiled gently; she enjoyed seeing her fiancé in distress.

"Here! Have a taste! It isn’t easy to get fresh tangerines to eat during the winter." Oscar broke off the peeled tangerine and passed it on to the Princess.

"Thank you!"

Alanis put on a look of pure bliss, the tangerine’s juice and taste were very rich, especially during the winter. The tangerines and grapes that were urgently shipped from the South using fast horses were the only fruits available during winter. Of course, these fruits would only appear in the glass plates of nobles.

After a moment’s of silence, the little Princess of Titan decided to bring up some more serious matters. She had to spend some time with her fiancé almost daily; during that time, they usually would not speak of matters that would upset the other. However, the Princess had decided that she really have to voice that out today.

"My Empress, Mother… was talking to me last night until it was late."

Oscar popped a sparkling red grape into his mouth and waved his hand casually, indicating to the Princess to continue on.

"My Empress mother said a lot, I am uncertain whether she has suddenly lost all her senses! She actually brought up things when I was young, it was all jumbled up and, in the end, she even kissed me. To be honest, that simply made me feel sick."

Oscar shrugged indifferently, "My Princess, these words, by all means, should not be spoken outside! No matter what is said, Rolyn Kate is your mother, her concern for you is normal. I know you detest her as well as pity her, but at the very least you need to put on a superficial front."

"I am more adept than you at this!" Alanis curled her lips in disdain, "Her concern for me is what’s abnormal! The first thing that I learned about after I became sensible enough was that mother hates me because she almost lost her life when giving birth to me. She reckoned that I have robbed her of her health. She has always been direct with me. But... last night, there was a huge turnaround, what do you think went through my mind?"

"What were you thinking?"

Alanis gave a despicable look and she lowered her voice, "Having been in Westberg Fort for so many years, I believe that I have seen it clearly enough! Rolyn Kate Karl Arnold Morisette, my mother, Titan’s Empress, is a beast that is far more vicious than the tigers and wolves, as well as a demon that is far more selfish than the devil."

"Do not hope for her to be concerned about anyone!" The Princess seemed to be getting more and more infuriated as she spoke, "She, care about me? By the God of Light! How is that a concern for me? She has only reevaluated my beneficial worth. If it weren’t because of the fact that my fiancé is Imperial Highness The Prince with a promising future, she would have still treated me as before!"

Oscar was unsure whether to criticize the Empress or to console the princess.

"My darling, since you are already extremely clear about the Empress’ person, then why are you still getting angry?"

"Why can’t I be angry?" Evidently, Alanis was really throwing a tantrum, "Just like what you said! She is my mother, but has she done what a mother should have done? Has she fulfilled her duty a mother should have? She has not! She never has! Oh, that’s right! She has only poured out her motherly love to her eldest son because this son will become the ruler of Titan in the future, strengthening her position! So, never believe the love of Rolyn Kate, that will only consign you to eternal damnation!"

Oscar eyes finally widened; he was not aware that the Princess’ conflict with the Empress was that intense.

"Uhh… Then do you need me to readjust the strategy in dealing with the Karl Arnold family?"

"Absolutely not necessary!" Alanis answered unambiguously, "Since she suddenly feels like being a good mother, I should naturally play along with her! Letting Her Majesty the Empress play in a one-man show, won't that a very embarrassing? I will just accompany her!"

Oscar looked at Alanis as if he was looking at a monster; he really could not fathom the Morisette Household’s relationships.

"But, this is also good!" The Prince decided he should just play along with the Princess’ wish, "At the very least, maintaining a close relationship with Her Majesty the Empress will lead to nothing bad; it can’t be any better for us, who completely have no roots in Dulin."

"I also have my sights on this," The Princess nodded. " So… I bid my farewell!"

"Can’t you stay for a while more?"

"No! I do not feel very well. I would like to be alone!" Alanis massaged her forehead.

Oscar was also at a loss for words, ‘My little princess, I do not wish to see you so reluctant. Actually, we don’t have to care about others at all…"

"No!" Alanis replied firmly! "I do need to care!"

Oscar heaved a heavy sigh; he disliked the Alanis like this.

"Then… let me send you off!"

"No need! Sasha has been waiting for you all morning, I dare not hog my little lover!" Alanis said while giving him a teasing smile.

"Thank you for your reminder!" Oscar watched the Princess who was about to step out of the living room and could not help but call out, "Don’t forget your overcoat and your handheld furnace, and also the few little rabbits I gave you."

The Princess turned around abruptly, "I really don’t understand, why did you give me those rabbits for? I detest those dull little creatures."

Oscar laughed mischievously, "But your leopard does not hate them, LeFou will take care of them on your behalf!"

The Princess nodded in apprehension, "So, you little rascal, you want to turn my LeFou into a ferocious beast."

Oscar’s pupils suddenly shrank; he caught up with the Princess steadily, then took the windbreaker in the hands of the attendant and draped it over the Princess.

"Alanis, believe me! If he does not become a ferocious beast, then we, LeFou, you and I, will not be able to survive in the palace."

It seemed… That this was the only way to ensure their survival. At the end of Year 791 on the Church’s Calendar, the ruler of Titan Empire, without caring about the possible resistance from the Noble class, brazenly launched the greatest scale of purging operation in the history of the Morisette Dynasty! The purge was directed at the opposition faction in the Ministry of Senior Nobility to further strengthen the Imperial power and reorganizing the sovereign ruling structure of Titan's highest order.

It would appear that Alfa III played the role of an imperious, bossy and even cruel person in the Great Purge, but it made one a little skeptical because, just a week before the Holy Day of God, the basic purging operation came to the end of a phase and when the Emperor’s proposal obtained the ultimate approval by the House of Lords. Still, there was a delay in announcing the decision to reorganize the government that triggered all of this.

The nobles were whispering among themselves, some said that the reform was just an excuse used by the Emperor for the purge, while others said that the reform was stuck at one of the exceptionally crucial phases and some also said that the Emperor had his misgivings about the counterattack from the opposition faction and was searching for the most favorable excuse and opportunity for a new round of the purge.

What was Alfa III waiting for? Why was the draft to reform the government delayed again and again? Actually, this point was not difficult to comprehend at all; Alfa III weighed the men under him and realized that they lacked competence; compared to the people under his opponent, his men were incapable of taking on heavy responsibilities.

The Emperor furrowed his eyebrows. The men under his control were a bunch of fools who only knew how to sweet-talk! If he were really to let them take charge of one of Titan Empire’s matters… Forget about it! The Emperor shook his head, "Seriously forget about it! I am not foolish! And I am not mad!" Alfa III muttered, annoyed.

However, the matter had to progress. The Emperor had done enough things that were all barks and no bites! This time was different. The people had been arrested, those to be exiled were exiled; those to be imprisoned were imprisoned, those to be executed were executed. If it were to end like this, the Emperor could as well just abdicate. Alfa III had never thought about leaving his throne, so he must see this matter through.

A few shrewd Cabinet ministers recommended many capable people for the Emperor; Alfa III practically welcomed everyone. However, the Emperor was not foolish, he only invited these people into his advisory group and only a few of the exceptionally outstanding figures were bestowed a public office. The Emperor had to observe because, since he knew just how much value a job in the bureaucracy is worth among the capital community, he did not want his court to be filled with incompetent people.

Anyway! Year 791’s Holy Day of God was exceptionally difficult to endure! Dulin’s temperature was already close to negative ten degrees, yet the temperature of the political air seemed to be even colder than the outdoors. The Emperor’s intent became more and more indefinite; signifying that the definite step in the reformation still required a certain period of time.

However, the State Council group that prioritized the Secretary of State’s proxy, Old Duke Kachev was impatient. Old Kachev no longer dared look down on his students of those days. What exactly was Alfa III planning to do? When the final date to implement the reform was postponed without end, Kachev at long last understood what it was all about!

Firstly, when the Old Duke returned to Dulin, the Emperor praised the Duke highly for his proposition of the reformation in a public area as soon as the opportunity arose, causing the nobles of the capital to easily place their perspective of their struggle onto Old Kachev. And when the Great Purge arrived, although the Emperor did not offer any words, the people naturally thought this was Old Kachev’s proposition. Kachev’s style had always been to take care of his enemies swiftly. Thus, Old Kachev’s position in the capital’s noble circle was getting more and more dangerous and more and more isolated.

Secondly, why was Kachev "The Secretary of State’s Proxy"? To be frank, be it a proxy or the official one, once the Emperor was certain about his resolution of reformation, the first thing he did would be to remove the State Council’s authority in matters and then formed an initial temporary government affairs cabinet composed of the people in charge of the six respective departments, which are the military, finance, justice, foreign matters, agriculture and education, as well as the Ministry of Senior Nobility. Of course, "The Secretary of State’s Proxy", Duke Kachev, was also the highest spokesperson of the temporary Cabinet, yet there was not a single subordinate under him, and the State Council gradually lost its frame.

At last, Old Kachev finally realized that Alfa III had created a golden cage for him and, for this while, he couldn’t escape from it! This Emperor had used the nominal Cabinet to get rid of the State Council that was in control of all the Empire’s governmental decrees. Although the State Council’s authority was distributed to six departments and one Ministry, even greater authority was wielded in His Majesty’s hands. As long as the reformation had yet to be realized, no one could change this situation! It could be said that the order of Titan’s centralized Monarch power that accumulated over the past few hundred years had reached its highest peak!

Could it be that… There was an exceptional being of the same level by the Emperor’s side? It suddenly struck Old Kachev! Otherwise… with his young student’s mind, he could not formulate such an ingenious scheme! Moreover, this was a stratagem that could only be described using the objectives of brilliant, interesting, frightening and other adjectives of similar caliber.

Who was this person? How could Old Kachev have no idea at all? He had ruled out the few cunning people he knew of, the few nouveau riche who recently made a reputation in Dulin, and finally ruled out the only person he had missed out, the young Prince! Who was the one giving the Emperor ideas? Why did the person have a need to conceal himself so carefully? Kachev pondered over it longer than he ever did; he knew that his future path would get progressively arduous. He had not even done anything and was already forced into a dead end by an unseen force!


Dulin’s winter made it appear as if it was hopeless, but this did not affect the festive atmosphere at the Westberg Fort. There was only one more week before the Holy Day of God, and the fort of the Imperial Household had already entered the last phase of their preparations!

At this time every year, if there was anything that could make Titan’s nobles tremble with excitement, it would be the wine reception organized by Her Majesty the Empress. Despite Rolyn Kate giving birth to five children, she still had a graceful, mature charm. However, her health had always been frail and she lived a secluded life at the Westberg Fort. Because of this, the annual Holy Day of God wine reception appeared increasingly important. Although the people believed that the Empress already had already stepped halfway into her coffin, nevertheless this Empress was Rolyn Kate Karl Arnold Morisette; the significance this name held was far more precious than this woman’s life. Nobles from all around would use the occasion of the wine reception to inquire about the Empress and among the humble crowd who hurried to Westberg Fort were the Imperial Households and celebrated overlords from foreign countries.

"Mother Empress, you were looking for me?" Alanis lifted her skirts and bowed slightly to the frail woman lying on the couch.

"Please sit!" A towel emitting steam was laid on Rolyn Kate’s forehead. One could see that she was already fed up with her illnesses.

"Why aren’t you calling me mother like your brothers and sisters? I admit that you are the most opinionated one among them, but isn’t your sense of self-preservation a little too strong?"

Alanis took a seat disapprovingly, "Mother Empress, you ought to also see that my few brothers and sisters do not respect you as I do! They…"

"Enough, Alanis!" The Empress cut off her young daughter’s emotionless reply. "I only see that you regard me as a pathetic old woman! Do not try to justify, I know you better than anyone else!"

Alanis hung her head, her mother had already seen through her excuse. However, the young daughter still muttered in her heart, "My mother, you are indeed wrong! In my eyes, you are not just a pathetic old woman, you are a terribly dangerous old woman!"

"I really don’t understand! You are a girl who is just engaged; how can your little mind still be capable of accommodating such thoughts? Perhaps the others are unaware, but how could I not know? These days, you have been spending the night in your father’s palace! I called you here today to make it clear to you; this is dangerous! Extremely dangerous!"

"Hehe! Mother Empress, you are saying that it is dangerous to spend the night at Father’s place?" She did not care one bit about the ambiguity held in her words and looked back at her mother shamelessly.

"You are humiliating yourself when you humiliate your parents!" Rolyn Kate’s chest swelled; her fury was ignited. If there was anyone who could cause her to feel distraught and anxiety, it was this little rascal before her, who was getting more and more difficult to refine.

"In that case, mother, please forgive my stupidity, I really do not understand what you are referring to."

She steadied her breathing and suppressed boiling rage in her; Rolyn Kate held up her medicine goblet and gulped.

"You don’t understand? Then you aren’t as bright as I thought!" The Empress had once again adopted an arrogant air, "My little darling, it seems like you are still unclear about your position, you are already His Imperial Highness The Prince O’Neil Andrew Morisette’s fiancé. That is to say that everything you do should be in support of this prince. To put it more specifically, as a princess, one who has already been crowned the surname of her husband, you do not have any right to meddle in the Dynasty’s policy! Perhaps your father supports your actions, but the nobles may see your recent conduct as a message of threat, you know? The ones in line to the throne are your two elder brothers; as for you, I have already said many times, consult more with your little fiancé; he is an intelligent man; you know what you should do!"

Alanis still remained unperturbed. "Did someone accuse me of interfering with politics?"

"Interfering or not, it is not important anymore!" The Empress tilted her head, "The important thing is how you see this matter, and if you stubbornly insist on your way, then I believe that someone will give you an exceptionally memorable lesson."

Alanis looked at her mother in astonishment, "Mother Empress, your words… bring a hint of threat!"

"My darling, you are always like this, taking my advice as a threat, while you turn a deaf ear to those who truly threaten you."

"Then mother… What is the true threat?"

"When the interest group my husband is targeting knows that you are against them, then the true threats will naturally come looking for you; is there still a need for me to clarify?"

"Thank you Mother Empress, there’s no need!"

"Then… Can I understand it as… you know what you ought to do?"

Alanis nodded, "Yes Mother Empress, I know!"

Rolyn Kate spread her arms towards her young daughter, "My child, why don’t you open your heart to your mother?"

Alanis threw herself into the embrace that lacked warmth and care, "That is because… My heart has already been cruelly destroyed!"

Of course, those words were spoken from within the Princess’ heart.


When night fell, the young lady’s "Great Purge" of the Duke’s official residence was almost complete. She invited her brother to stay for dinner but on the rare occasion, Oscar did not have any appetite. The young lady was very persistent, in the end, His Imperial Highness obliged.

Dinner was simple; Sasha had instructed the kitchen to prepare fresh borecole and eagle fern. These were rare items during the winter and the price of fresh green vegetables was almost as much as silver.

Oscar did not have any appetite, but he could not dampen his sister’s spirit. He could manage to swallow the roasted mutton with borecole, but... forget about the eagle ferns! The Prince disliked vegetables with excessively strong flavor as eating too much made him inarticulate, and moreover, he had always been picky about his food.

No. 31 Penelope Avenue actually had no wine! This was something that Oscar could not accept the most; he did not know where his sister had hidden those vintage wines! Perhaps it was Cody who inspired her, the young lady had stored the cellar with yogurt. Oscar hated yogurt and he felt that drinking it was disrespect towards his bowel.

Thus, the atmosphere during dinner was unpleasant; the Prince whined ceaselessly, like a patient with a mental disorder. However, the young lady was not going to argue with him about it. The intelligent girl knew better than anyone else that although the Prince’s temperament was very contradictory and eccentric, as long as he was not provoked, he would usually be able to accept any arrangements.

"All right, desserts after meals are a must! Would you prefer vanilla cake or matcha cheese?" Sasha asked while tidying up the plates.

"Uhh… Are there any other choices?" Oscar wrinkled his eyebrows with his mouth hanging open, with a look of having not much appetite.

"There’s still yogurt and heated banana walnut paste."

"What are those things? Are they edible? I mean… can they be eaten by humans?" The Prince groaned in exaggeration.

"I should remind you, high-calorie food intake is not beneficial to you at all! My brother, if you don’t wish to one day become like the Sea Creature who makes one want to throw up in the future, then I advise you to just go with my arrangements!"

The young lady rang the copper bell on the dining table and an attendant responded.

"Prepare a set of matcha cheese and banana walnut paste for the prince."

Oscar heaved a sigh. He did not know when it started, perhaps it was the feeling of guilt, but he dared not dismiss any of Sasha’s suggestions. The prince focused his attention on the banana walnut paste served on the table. It was a black, mashed shape object wrapped in tender banana, just like when he attempted to roast rats back in Damorga prison; Oscar gripped the ladle, trembling.


It could be said that Dulin's winter had just started, yet it had entered its peak all of a sudden. The snow that had accumulated on the buildings would not melt before spring arrived and, looking down from a high point in the city, one could see that Titan’s capital was shrouded in a mystifying white fog. The warm smoke rising from the ten thousand over households diluted the color of the fog. When this warm, greyish-black air met the cold breeze, the whole city would be filled with a thin layer of charcoal residue.

The greyish black charcoal residue would always fall to the ground, causing Dulin to become even filthier in the winter. Pure white sceneries would only appear in the lofty blocks of the nobles and Vatican assembly area; while in the ghettos on either side of Victory Square, mud and all sorts of domestic garbage would be frozen together, forming hideous ice sculptures of all forms. The people would dump their domestic water and leftovers in between these ice sculptures, and when the next day came, new sculptures would be formed! That was why it was said that the best sculptures usually came from among the people; these words were absolutely justified.

The bitter coldness effectively cleared tramps of all ages from the streets of Dulin. The nobles regarded these people who did not even have a birth certificate as the largest hidden threats to society. These people were condescending and cruelly greedy; they would brandish their daggers for a piece of bread and also murder for a prostitute. With regards to the capital or whole Titan, tramps were the largest enemies, the root of all evil. Fortunately, nature had created the exquisite weapons of freezing and starving to counter them! When the patrolling soldiers received a corpse, they would happily chant the name of the God of Light. If the gods heard the prayers of these bandits, they would definitely be angered beyond measure by those who held malice.

The House of Andrew’s highest-grade carriage horse galloped past Jewel Street and a group of patrolling soldiers under the Ministry of Justice immediately paid their respects towards the carriage. Soon, another carriage following behind the Prince’s carriage also approached. The soldiers on patrol watched the entirely black carriage and could not help but burst into laughter; that belonged to the secret agents of the Secret Service Department. These arrogant men seemed to have a huge change in temperament overnight and even in Dulin, they dared not parade themselves ostentatiously about the city as before. It was said that it was His Imperial Highness The Prince who brought about this state; the few corpses hung inverted on the street lamps even had their hearts dug out by people and now no one dared provoke the military personnel who came from Narcissus.

"Oh Wellington, Wellington! I knew from the start that you were a good lad! Ola! You don’t know just how dangerous it was a while ago, if it weren’t for the message you conveyed, I may already be suffering from food poisoning now! Truly, I am extremely grateful! You have saved my life!" Oscar hooked onto the messenger, First Lieutenant Wellington’s neck like a rogue.

"Your Highness, I am very honored! But you seem to keep whining for most of the day, could it be that you are not interested at all in the matter I want to relay?" The young messenger adopted a childish and deadpan expression as before.

"What matter?"

"Thank heavens! You finally thought about enquiring!" Wellington did a gesture of thanking the God of Light; it seemed that he still had a little humor.

"My Imperial Highness, Madame Zoera had personally sent you a gift and says that you must receive it in person."


"Zoera!" Oscar shouted Zoera’s name loudly when he stepped into the living room then spread his arms towards the big shot of Red Light Street.

Zoera was a little flattered, she was aware that the young prince had disliked her position all this while.

"Your Highness! You are really too warm!" Zoera commented while sizing up the youngster before her; she wanted to see just what had caused the sudden change in character.

"Where is my present?" Oscar rubbed his hands together excitedly. Actually, he did not care whatsoever about the dog Madame of the Red Light Street; if it weren’t for her being a military person, Oscar believed that he would not even look her in the eyes. However, Zoera admittedly had a charm that captivated one, but from how Oscar saw it, it was nothing as compared to being able to break away from that banana walnut paste.

"Your Highness, right in the corner of this room, is a living person; don’t tell me that you did not notice?" Zoera pointed to the corner of the wall

The Prince had already noticed earlier on that aside from him and Zoera, there was another young lady. This young lady hung her head and both her hands were clasped together respectfully. Her braids were made up to look like a servant and she was dressed like the maids at the Kenshin Palace.

Oscar racked his brain to recall the young lady’s name, but he gave up in the end. He had a strong grasp of all knowledge and only had problems with the names of people.

"Mirandez, come quickly! Don’t be like a an idiot standing around foolishly." Zoera pulled over the young lady who was in charged of the reception matters at the Dog Biting Club from the corner.

"What are you doing?" Oscar was a little dubious; he already recalled this young lady Mirandez who was the incautious person that engaged in a dispute with him back at the Dog Biting Club.

Madame Zoera seemed darkly familiar in terms of delivering people as she ushered Mirandez to the middle of the room as if she was promoting goods.

"Look at this young lady, a pure-blooded Rielese. She has pupils as blue as the sky and a figure like the water snake. Your Highness, don’t tell me that you did not notice that she is the main culprit who caused harm to Lady Aeolia? Haven’t you always been well known for being fair? So you see, Mirandez will use her whole life to serve Lady Aeolia, isn’t this fair?"

Oscar nodded; he understood Madame Zoera’s meaning! Aeolia indeed did not have a maid by her side that she could call upon, and this Mirandez appeared to be quite a bright girl. Perhaps letting her take care of Aeolia would not be such a bad choice.

"You are Mirandez?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Mirandez gazed at the youngster before her, a little terrified. The crisis that took place that night at Red Light Street was still fresh in her mind; she knew that this Prince was not as easy to negotiate with as he might have appeared.

"Do you know what you should do?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" After saying this, Mirandez inadvertently calmed herself down. "I plead myself guilty. Since I was the one who brought on harm to Lady Aeolia’s body, mind, and reputation, so in the days that follow, I will use my life to serve Lady Aeolia."

"So…" Oscar turned to Madame Zoera, "It seems that I have no reason to reject this gift."

Zoera nodded.

"Vick! Vick!"

"Your Highness!" The response from the Prince’s Secretary appeared at the door.

"Lead Lady Mirandez to the maids’ room, after settling down, explain to Lady Aeolia the purpose of her coming."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Vick bowed then indicated to Mirandez that she could follow him out. Before leaving, the Confidential Secretary did not forget to shut the door securely for the prince and the female visitor of the Andrew Family.

"Okay Zoera, tell me, what else is there that warrants you making a trip in person?"

Zoera fished out a piece of paper that appeared like a document, edged close to the prince and took a seat, resulting in Oscar leaning towards the other end of the sofa.

The Madame gave a shallow smile, unconcerned, "Your Highness, the Military Investigation Bureau has confirmed the person of choice as the new leader of Dulin; her name is in here.

Oscar took the letter in astonishment; he was somewhat looking forward to it since this new leader was actually a "she"!

"Hold on!" The prince suddenly placed the letter aside, "This isn’t right! How can this new leader not be you? Could it be that there is a Military Secret Agent in Dulin who has a greater experience than you?"

Madame Zoera leaned into the sofa and heaved a sigh of regret, "My Lord, this can’t be helped! My position can only stop at an assistant. You know, a genuine person in charge can come and go in court and saloons, a noble person who can interact with the high officials and nobles because only a character such as this can obtain reliable and valuable intelligence. While I am only the boss of a club; forever will I be unable to show myself."

Oscar nodded in understanding. However, the instant he opened the letter and saw its contents, he completely lost all perception.

"Oh, someone! Anyone! Someone!"

The door The first to barge in was Snowstorm, then Baron Erbe the Household manager, followed by Sarlat the Paladin, then after that, the King of Sins and lastly was a group fully armed Knights! They all piled into the small living room swiftly; everyone gazed at the prince and Madame Zoera, stunned; just what had happened? This youngster had never screamed at the top of his lungs as if he had lost all sense, in his own Palace.

"Go… Go and bring Lady Aeolia here!"

The people scattered one after another and Aeolia appeared in the room.

The room door was again shut tightly. No one knew why the Prince had on a fierce look that appeared like a ferocious beast that had been starved for more than ten days.

"Aeolia… Aeolia!" Oscar fixed his eyes on her and scrutinized the girl who had once unexplainably stirred his heart. "Shouldn’t I congratulate you? Your appointment by the Military Investigation Bureau is in my hands."

Aeolia no longer had the look of a startled animal; she raised her head proudly and gave a standard Narcissus military salute.

"Put down your arm!" Oscar was suddenly disgusted with this for he knew that he was thoroughly being made fun of by the two ladies in front of him.

"It seems that I should still congratulate you for you have finally stopped turning red when meeting others!" Oscar wanted to further ridicule Aeolia, but he really could not find more words. The youngster was already trembling with rage.

"Am I like a fool?" Oscar glowered at Aeolia, "My family and I treat you like how we look after a pet, and everyone here loves you dearly and protects you! But you? You only regard this as an experience before you assume office, am I right? It seems that I should congratulate you once again, Countess Aeolia, you have succeeded remarkably! Just like it is written in the appointment book, your form and spy techniques can already undergo any trials!"

From the beginning to the end, Aeolia had not uttered a single word; she only pursed her lips tightly and continued to salute stubbornly.

"I should have anticipated it!" Oscar flitted through his memories. "A daughter of a Duke appearing at the Dog Biting Club of Red Light Street followed by encountering the most lascivious fatty of the present dynasty on the sidewalk by chance, and thus naturally this man would desire to have a taste of the most stunning beauty he encountered by chance, and after that, here comes the highlight of the show! The other lead of the show that is also an idiot who cherishes old friendships! He had to intervene and bring his teacher’s precious granddaughter home, then provide her with an appropriate identity so that she could come on and go into the upper-class society. Thus, people have no doubts that this girl is a secret agent to the House of Andrew. People will say, Aeolia, a pitiful creature from the Sika Household, she has certainly met her savior!"

"Zoera, all these are your plans, right?" Oscar suddenly turned to face the Madame.

"It was me!" Aeolia finally offered!

"Shut up!" The Prince’s roar seemed to have shaken the walls of the roof, causing dust to rain down. "I am asking Zoera! Hmm, Zoera? Answer me, you know about all these, am I right? Without your cooperation, it is impossible for Aeolia to even be here!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Zoera nodded, "This was the only way to draw Aeolia into the Kenshin Palace. Even the Emperor knows of the dispute between you and the Sea Creature at the club, and thus no one will question Aya’s identity!"

"Wait!" Oscar waved his hand, "I only wish to know what you guys take me for? Why couldn’t you inform me beforehand?"

"Your Highness!" Aeolia took a step forward, "We are the family’s undercover investigators, we have our own superiors and we have a mission to never expose ourselves to anyone, certain things… we still have to keep confidential, even if it were you!"

Oscar gazed deeply at Aya. He felt reluctant; this expression, this tone, that business-like manner and that whatever so-called mission; all these were not Aeolia! His Aeolia seemed to have dissipated from the face of the Earth with a letter from the family!

The Prince slammed the door behind him, leaving the two girls, each immersed in their own thoughts.

"Did I hurt his feelings?"

"Of course!" Zoera shot a look at Aeolia, who was perplexed. "But… Didn’t you already expect it to be like this?"

"I know!" Aeolia gave a sigh, "But I did not know His Highness would have such a huge reaction! Could it be… Could it be that I was too successful? But… But you have to understand that sometimes… I’m saying that once I go into character, I… I will be out of myself! I will not heed others and act, I will… Oh, god! Once I enter a role, I don’t even know what I am doing!"

"So I am saying that you are a naturally-born spy!" Zoera fished out a few hazelnuts from a small pouch and carefully shuck its hard shell.

"Shouldn’t I… I find an opportunity to explain to His Highness?"

"Explain what?" Zoera furrowed her eyebrows.

"I have my orders, I have sorrows, I have…"

"Enough, my officer!" Zoera reached out her hands to cup Aeolia’s beautiful face, "Could it be that you still want to flirt with His Imperial Highness Prince as before? Wake up! Your mission has arrived! You are the Chief Investigative Officer of the Investigation Bureau under the Narcissus Military Command Bureau, dispatched to Dulin. Remember this! You are now a spy; if you wish to bring up emotions, then I advise you to resign as soon as possible!"

Aeolia paced back and forth in the room; she understood that the current situation could not be remedied. As an investigative officer, her perception was that she should give it her all to gather intelligence, yet 'giving it her all' comprised wisdom and skills as well as her emotions and her physical body! The Prince could not accept these. Since it was this way, if she can’t be loved, then let him hate!"

Aeolia admired the people in charged of the Military Investigation Bureau more and more. Berkley Andrew Nedgabel was undoubtedly the most cunning leader of the spies. This old fellow even took into account the emotions and instincts of people when planning an operation.

"Go on back! Early tomorrow morning, I am following the family to set off for University Town!" Aeolia waved her hand exhaustedly. She was a little distracted. To a girl who was adept in acting, being too immersed in her role could produce strong after-effects.

"Yes! Please rest early as well, Your distinguished Chief Investigative Officer!" As if to remind Aeolia once again, Zoera emphasized on her title.

"However…" Zoera suddenly came to a halt at the door, "This is not your home, you also do not have a family; you and I are similar, like the countless secret agents devoted to the family! You are only a fighting tool used by the family to strive for victory! Do not forget this, although this saying inadvertently lacks emotion, it will help you fare a lot better on your future journey!"

Aeolia turned around! She suddenly had on a startled expression and pointed at Zoera with a finger, trembling. Her face was flushed and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, God of Light! You… You… You are… You are the boss of that club! I… I… I have seen you there before!"

Aeolia became that shy, terrified, innocent yet talented, attractive girl!

Zoera burst into laughter at the sudden change in Aeolia’s expression, "That’s right! That’s right, my commanding officer, just like that! Just like that!

Aeolia was left alone in the room! Her expression of ridiculous ignorance vanished without a trace as soon as Zoera left. Aya suddenly collapsed onto the sofa completely drained; she was tired, very tired!

However, this was the first day of Countess Aeolia taking up the post as the Military Investigative Officer. Tomorrow, next year, and to the ends of time, her! She still had an exceedingly long road ahead of her!