Nineteenth Episode: Chapter 4

Alanis dreamt all night. She dreamt that she had fallen into a pond filled with jellyfish. Rearing jellyfish in a pond? Seriously, even Alanis felt that this didn't make sense. However, she went along with the dream without giving it much thought.

The dream was something like this; the Princess of the Empire and her husband were rearing jellyfishes. The jellyfishes grew to be "huge and fat", which pleased the people. She and her husband laughed happily. Later, the situation took a turn and poisonous spikes sprouted from the jellyfishes. These thorns could break the surface of the water and attack the people. A tentacle that was larger than the spikes dragged Alanis into the water. She cried to her husband for help but all the while, Oscar had that annoying smile plastered on his face.