Twentieth Episode: Chapter 8

The moonlight beneath the Titan sky shone like gold sand and silver powder, sprinkling across the surface of the earth, and into the young soldier's eyes. With a blink, he saw a bright, long, sword falling from his head. The soldier wanted to raise his knife, only to realize that his arm was gone. He widened his eyes and carefully studied the moon, serenely hung on the night sky.

Oh, how beautiful was the moon tonight!

It was only when the blood crept out of his body that people he realized how warm he was. The southerly wind had turned the dark red blood into a disgusting stench. The fighting men breathed in air mixed with the smell of iron, and then tirelessly aided in its intensity.

Panitigol was confused. When General Bencil was tied to the stake, he was still ferocious as a living tiger, but when they rescued the Twelfth Region commander, the general of the Imperial Guard became all weak and limp, sprawled on the ground like an old man.