Twenty-second Episode: Chapter 1

The residence of Baron Bernadot Ogerio was situated at the Northern suburbs of Dulin. It was a small castle which was built with yellow bricks. To its left, there were greeneries of grasses, shrubs and woods, and the broad massive leaves made the castle which was only a little bit bigger than thirty meters cube appeared even narrower.

A stony road which could only accommodate a single carriage turned to Baron Ogeiro's residence from the left of the highway leading to the highway of University Town. The gardeners in the residence had planted white and yellow roses on each side of the stony road. One would be overwhelmed by the fragrance of the roses while walking along the road.

Baron Ogeiro was not the good type of man who looked after his family. If the Baroness did not enter the city, most likely she could not meet her husband often throughout the four seasons of the year. This was all due to the Baron's occupation.