Twenty-second Episode: Chapter 8

When narrating a story, one would usually be required to first provide the settings, such as the time, background, and the main character of that story. However, to the agents and officers of the Titan Secret Service Department, all of these did not matter. Their lives were relatively simple – only to keep hiding and carry out their duties loyally.

The order from their superiors had stated that the time to inject sedatives into that assassin from the East had come. It was about four in the afternoon. The spring in Dulin City was extremely obvious. The pedestrians all tumbled as the strong wind that carried dust in the air blew. Right at this time, a few Secret Service agents dressed like gentlemen who were riding in four carriages arrived at the art gallery of the Bitchell. The owner, Hugh, welcomed them. This passionate, big guy prepared some superior-quality tea, coffee and some snacks for the officers.