Twenty-third Episode: Chapter 2

On the 8th day of the 2nd month, the first batch of the migrating birds arrived in Dulin after having been away for a long time. These sojourning travelers made a racket in the fresh and cool morning. At this time every day, the eaves of the Dulin Scott Cathedral would be covered with white doves, as well as some with mixed colors. The clergymen who got up early would scatter the breadcrumbs swept out from the dining room onto the lawn of the yard. The green grass had just produced new buds, resembling a Persian cashmere rug. The doves were pecking away competitively at it. A large gaggle of wild geese had descended from the sky; the first batch of the migrating birds referred to them. They had massive builds and their feathers had a glossy shine to them. The uninterested doves were quickly driven back to the eaves.