Twenty-sixth Episode: Chapter 2

If one would like to know the soul of music, they should visit one of the rehearsal rooms in Vielonna. Some musicians carried out rehearsals in the elegant courtyard and spacious, brightly-lit mansion, most of which were supported by some rich noblemen who adored this art.

In Vielonna, when asked about the oldest performing group with the best skills, everyone would agree on "Vielonna Philharmonic Orchestra", which was also the world's top symphony orchestra. The rehearsal room of Vielonna Philharmonic Orchestra was located at the Imperial Opera House by the river. The theatre was the base of the orchestra. Each of their performances took place here.

On Monday, the 23rd day of the 8th month, it was the working day of Philharmonic Orchestra. Early in the morning, the servant in charge of cleaning the rehearsal room was surprised to find the rehearsal room empty. There were no musicians who came to practice in the early morning.