
"Haha… Brother Fang, you're really lucky that Elder Smelter admires you!"

As soon as they walked out of the hall, Feng Xinzi congratulated Fang Yuan. "From today onwards, we will be an alliance. Remember to look out for each other!"

He felt that Fang Yuan was his lucky star and it was fate that they met each other.

After knowing Fang Yuan, he not only obtained large amounts of rare spiritual plants, he also had the karma flower now.

"Please guide me along with your invaluable experience!"

Fang Yuan knew that although the Realm Alliance was not as strict, there were different factions within the alliance. Elder Smelter and Feng Xinzi were of a faction and now, Fang Yuan was part of it too.

Of course, it was a good thing that someone was there to guide him through as soon as he joined the alliance and therefore, he would not reject the help given.

"Of course!"