Death Fight

"Roar! Roar!"

After a few roars, many thick fiery dragons appeared in mid-air and spat our flames towards the mountain.

There was an immense amount of energy in every fiery dragon and after a few moments, the entire Thousand Year Mountain was set on fire.

Black smoke filled the sky and it was as though doomsday was approaching.


Seeing this, Ruan Junxian had no intentions of fighting. With the other disciples, he ran towards the headquarters of the Thousand Year Mountain.

This was the power of the heavens! It was not something that humans could go against!

"Roar! Roar!"

The few dragons flew around lazily and slowly shrunk in size. Although they were shrunk, they were still over 30 feet long and were still majestic beasts. On the head of one of the dragons, there were two people.

Witnessing this scene, Fang Yuan broke out in cold sweat.