Ups and Downs


It was also Fang Yuan's wish to be able to fight with Lin Qianye once more.

The people of Thousand Year Mountain crept out of their hiding spots to watch, although they were given the order to hide.

It was a rare opportunity to spectate a death match between a highly-skilled martial artist and a highly-skilled dream master.


A Leaving Fire Sword appeared in Fang Yuan's hands and the flames burnt brilliantly. "Have you regretted what you've done?"

"Regret? You dream masters are a poisonous tumour to society! The only regret I have is killing too few of you!"

Lin Qianye laughed. "Even if I die killing you, it will be worth it!"

It seemed that Lin Qianye knew of his predicament.

If he were to lose, he would die.

Even if he were to win and kill Fang Yuan, Elder Smelter wouldn't let him go!

Death was his only option and therefore, the best outcome for him was to die together with Fang Yuan.