The Trend

"The current world situation?"

Extreme Yin ran her fingers through her hair and smiled uncomfortably.

"Not too good!"

"It is to be expected that the world would descend into chaos following the occurrence of the Demon Spirit invasion. As the saying goes, 'tough people rise during tough times'. Truly powerful factions would take this opportunity to consolidate their strength."

Fang Yuan wrung his hands.

"Has there not been any reaction from anywhere in the world?"

In truth, there were many underlying forces in Da Qian. While the power of the dream masters was declining, the spiritual knights and martial artists were waiting in the wings to replace them.

If the full potential for conflict of the entire Da Qian empire was to be realised, it would shake up the world.

Even though the Imperial Court and the dream masters were weak, they were still capable of putting up a good fight.

"Do elaborate!"

Fang Yuan said curtly.