An Old Friend

Fan Region, God Seeking Palace.

A layer of fog circled the above the mountain cliff. Qian Huanyi sat cross-legged and controlled his breathing, resembling a deity in heaven.

A flash appeared and Superior Wu Zun arrived with his hands behind his back, as though he had descended from above. "How's it?"

"I feel the same way too!"

Qian Huanyi composed himself. "The disturbed elemental energy and dream elemental force is beginning to settle down. It seems like the world is on the verge of recovery."

Both of them were among the best in their respective professions and had once been blessed by the realm's will before. Even after losing their positions, their senses were still as good.

"If that is so… The heavenly will is beginning to take action!"

Superior Wu Zun was elated.

"Even though the heavenly will is recovering, it is unlikely that the both of us will receive the blessings of the heavens once again! Are you still thinking of it?"