To Heal

"It's Becky!"

Moments later, a group of fully armed Demon Hunters rushed over. They had an awful expression on their faces when they saw the corpse of the gold-haired Demon Hunter.

"His throat has been bitten to suck out his blood, a classic vampire case… and it didn't follow the rules, a wanderer perhaps?"

Both of Jock's hands held onto a large hunter gun that had two barrels as he went to the front of the vampire corpse. "Hmm, a shot killed it! Sacred gunpowder and a mythril bullet was used—Who's the Demon Hunter who did this? This saved us a lot of trouble!"

Vampires without any restrictions would easily go into the state of endless feeding, creating panic.

At the same time, he was also worried. "Why is there a vampire wanderer this close? Did anything happen in the Dark Realm? Where's Hulk? How is he?"