
The area where Axe Bar was located was called Hurin area. Although it belonged to the Seita Empire by name, it was, in actual fact, an area that was unregulated due to the geographical location. Hence, it was also infamous for its crime rate.

Criminals, exiles, the Night Family Clan, and, of course, the Demon Hunters gathered here.

If it wasn't for the deterrence from the Demon Hunters, the entire Hurin area would've become Hell within the mortal world and would be a hunting ground for the Night Family Clan.

Without a doubt, this chaotic place was a favorite for many dark organizations and had unimaginable black markets and intelligence channels.

Fang Yuan had now reached the western area, far away from Axe Bar, and was walking amidst a land filled with low-roofed shacks.

Behind the creaking doors and wooden windows, there were many greedy eyes scheming against him but retreated back, awed, when they saw his large sword and gun case.