
Four professionals surrounded him, and fighting spirit erupted from two of them. Clearly, they were also warriors.

As for the female archer, she lowered her bow and prepared her arrow with a slight magical fluctuation.

And Lone Wolf was completely concealed within the shadows and constantly moving about, like a reaper harvesting lives in the deep night.

"Assassin? Warrior? And magical archer? This can indeed form a high-level adventurer team…"

If not for him killing one of them previously, this group could be even more perfect.

Fang Yuan slightly smiled and disappeared in an instant…

With the power enhancement of the Disaster Halo, his speed was astonishingly quick, immediately appearing before the two warriors.

"Mad Lion Beheading!"

"Fighting technique: New Moon!"

The two warriors were not flustered and each released a surge of fighting spirit to attack.