Mad Wolf

Monger World.

The newly promoted Knight Luhn rode his horse, a team of more than ten following behind.

Being under the command of Baron Shawshank, he naturally had the obligation to pay a formal visit to his lord.

However, the gift that he brought along was very light. After all, in this era, the powers and obligations of the lords and vassals were relative. If a large gift was rashly paid as tribute, it could either make the other party feel they were easily bullied or that the giver had ulterior motives.

"Knight Jorah's obligation has already been carried out this year, while the tribute needed for the inheritance is calculated elsewhere, so the gift does not need to be too ceremonious. Just a simple one will do… "

Knight Luhn, who was thinking silently, suddenly shuddered all over.

"Sir Knight?"

A guard beside him immediately walked up and had an intuition that some transformation had happened.