
Why didn't this Demon Master find the other Ancient Gods, but just had to come after me? Black Dragon moaned inside his heart.

There were a few Ancient Gods guarding the Heaven Palace, such as 'Duke Merit' who was previously calculating battle achievements. When they saw the Demon Master attacking, they all flew upward.

Seems like I can't stand out later on… But he wants to defeat me with one blow?

Black Dragon roared as the dragon horn on his head shimmered brightly and an eye-piercing, colorful glow emitted from his dragon scales, transforming himself into a half-dragon human.

After all, he was also an Ancient God and equal in status with the Demon Master!

"Dragon Fist!"

With the loud and clear voice of Ancient God Black Dragon, an immensely giant Black Dragon illusion appeared behind him and suddenly flew into the sky. The position of its dragon horn was shockingly the center of the punch.
