
"Right now, the Black Source Pearl is in my hands and you have no choice but to first believe me!" Black armor appeared on Fang Yuan, seeming very vigilant. "Moreover, I don't trust you, so you must give me something first. Teach me the Mental Demon realm traversing technique! Don't tell me that it's difficult or whatnot. Since we're able to communicate, it must be possible for you to pass me the information!"


The blood bubble face became infuriated, and shortly after, there was a black boot approaching.


Fang Yuan indifferently squashed the human face without the slight scruple. "Ancient Netherworld… although I'm surely no match for your true body, this thing is not even comparable to a trace of your will! Do you actually think that you're qualified to bargain with me? I won't wait any longer and will immediately leave after counting down from five! Five… one!"