Illusion Realm

"Ten Thousand Beast Banner? Yes, the totems in it should be enough!" Gold Ingot replied happily before worrying again immediately. "However, if you consume the totems this way, I fear the Ten Thousand Beast Banner's power will plummet!"

"The banner wasn't at large success anyway. What's the problem if it loses a few more dozens of totems? I'll just make it up in the future." Fang Yuan smiled. "Not to mention, it's worth it even if I have to destroy this banner to enhance my totem!"

His expression turned serious. "Next, I will cultivate in seclusion for a while to put all my power into birthing this new totem. I'll leave everything outside to you."

"Young Master, please be assured. As long as it isn't an Immortal, the Pantheon Palace's restriction is absolutely foolproof!" Gold Ingot guaranteed.