
"Innate Magical Power—Illusion Realm!" Fang Yuan shouted, and the surrounding air within five kilometers shifted, as though something had changed.

Nearby, a wild hare blinked before a python suddenly gobbled it up. A split second later, the python disappeared, but the wild hare was scared to death!

"If the soul is weak, it's possible for the psyche to be disrupted in the Illusion Realm and result in death?"

He closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings. "Now, although the Illusion Realm is limited to five kilometers, as my cultivation increases, its range will continue to expand. Within the Illusion Realm, I am in control of reality and illusion!"

Of course, this was not done only for the sake of magical power experimentation.

As he used the magical power, Fang Yuan was also finally able to feel a trace of void fluctuations within the world.