War and Defeat

Time moved backward slightly.

It was just when Fang Yuan used his Dream Master's Super Dimensional Traversal ability and entered this universe.

A giant eye suddenly awakened in a massive marsh on the Arita World.

It was completely different from the Uyguklais. Its body itself was a giant eyeball with countless blood vein-like tentacles growing around it.

The marsh seemed to gain a life of its own after the eyeball awakened and began to expand outward.

This was a Dark Young. In addition to its powerful mind control ability, its existence would constantly erode the surrounding environment, or rather, forcefully transform it into land suitable for it to live in.

"War! War has arrived!"

Its giant pupil looked at the sky and sent out a psyche storm. "… Father told me that the Astral Serpent, the Rainbow Snake, is his archenemy! It is invading our world! All Resistors, gather…"