
"This white light!"

In outer space, Fang Yuan suddenly received a lot of information while staring at the ray of white light.

"Yurisige Tange… He lives in the cracks of this universe and likes to collect all sorts of knowledge. You can call for him when you feel a strong desire and when you've exceeded your limit…

"White Light Yurisige likes to travel around many worlds, appearing as a 'wise and virtuous man' and acting as a mentor in the transformation of intelligent species. Of course, sometimes, he would also spread some information about Outer Gods and Dark Young…"

"A strong desire for knowledge… exceed the limit, perhaps also require a specific ritual?" Fang Yuan pondered. "But since I'm an Outer God, I have a touch of desire, and it's enough for White Light Yurisige…"

He did not hesitate in sharing his vast knowledge and information, and began exchanging with White Light Yurisige.