
There was non-stop screaming, and gunshot sounds coming from the building.

The black shadow was just like the devil from hell. It appeared out of the corner of your eyes and dragged the police officers into the abyss of darkness.

During his rampage, the middle-aged man's pupil started to constrict, and a hint of yellow appeared across his eyes. He was furious and his hunger to kill was palpable.

"Yes, just like this…"

"All you people…"

"All of you deserve to die…"

His nails started to grow extremely long, and his joints began to jut out. His palm was now as big as a dragon's claw.

His canine teeth started to stick out from the side of his mouth, and all his muscles were just growing bigger and stronger. It was as if he had transformed into a monster.

Maybe he was a monster all along.

It managed to awaken its superpower approximately two months ago.

The first thing it did after awakening was to kill its owner.