The Search

Zhao Yao drove towards Xiao Shiyu's district in his Panamera. However, he knew something was amiss when he saw plenty of police cars zooming past him.

"Why are there so many police cars today?"

"I hope a fugitive did not just escape from prison."

Zhao Yao entered the district after parking his car.

"That cat seemed like a stray cat from this place," Zhao Yao thought as he patrolled the area. He found a few stray cats resting underneath cars but could not find the one in the picture Xiao Shiyu sent him.

"This is not a good sign. This district is quite big. I will need quite some time to find that cat." Zhao Yao and Elizabeth walked a few rounds around the area but to no avail.

Elizabeth reminded Zhao Yao, "Most stray cats are quite shy and afraid of strangers. It must have gone into hiding when it saw you. Doesn't Xiao Shiyu stay here? It would be more efficient if we got her to help us in our search."