The Threat

The next morning, the Scottish Fold's eyelids quivered before it finally woke up.

She had never experienced such a good sleep for her entire life. It felt like she had returned to her mother's womb and everything felt so soft and comfortable.

"Oh, you're awake?" Zhao Yao stared at her with his giant eye bags.


The cat immediately went on her feet. She wagged her tail furiously which reflected how scared she was. She stared at Zhao Yao warily.

Suddenly, she screamed at the top of her lungs and raised both her paws in the sky, "Let the world feel my wrath!"

There was no reaction. The Scottish Fold herself was shocked by it. She raised her paws in the sky and shouted again, "Let the world feel my wrath!"

All Zhao Yao heard was a little girl's scream. Zhao Yao stared at her helplessly and patted her on her head and said, "Did you fail to activate your power?"