The Retaliation

Zhao Yao did not bother about the earthquake cat once she was safely kept inside his belly. He then switched to Matcha's power of time freeze. He turned to Bai Quan and instructed him, "Take care of the café. I'll come back soon."

Zhao Yao looked at Dust Ball and said, "You must stay here. If anything goes wrong, I would enter the extradimensional belly and escape from your side. If anything goes wrong in the café, get everyone in and come to my side."

Meanwhile, spirit cat stared at the phone in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief. He thought, "I guess this should be enough."

He turned his head to face Xiao Shiyu. With a wave of his paws, he had slowly placed Xiaoyu on the floor with his psychokinesis power. Xiaoyu was fast asleep.

Spirit cat used Xiaoyu's phone to send the message to Zhao Yao after he had tied her to a corner on the rooftop.