Sneak Attack, Reborn, Bankai

The effects of its powers were not limited to its growth in strength. Through its relentless training, the Sphynx cat had also obtained an unmatched speed and agility. Even its sense of sight, smell and hearing had been heightened to an unbelievable level.

Currently, its sensory skills were almost ten times as strong as Zhao Yao's.

The Sphynx cat had redefined what it meant to be a cat through its perpetual training since it had awakened. Its strength had far surpassed what the human mind imagined possible.

Even with its monstrous strength, the sphynx was still extremely cautious and preferred not to reveal its identity. It would lurk in the shadows, and carefully observed its surroundings. It would only act in the dark, accumulate its strength and harvest its power from its apostles.