Chase! Chase! Chase! Run! Run! Run!

Fit Bro and his gang could not believe their eyes as all that remained from the three-story building was the leftover rubble.

From time to time, clanking sounds would erupt from the ruins as vases and pots crashed onto the floor.

Shivers ran down their spines as their eyes darted from the rubble towards the golden figure floating mid-air. They gave one another a glance and did not even dare to move an inch.

A wave of thoughts swept through his head and he could not believe that there was this monster lurking in the shadows of his gym. Just the thought of it could make him shudder with fear.

His eyes swept across the place and stopped at the Sphynx cat. Looking at its bulging muscles and vascular body, Fit Bro had concluded that this was the supercat that had endowed them with the power.