318 Zhao Yao's Been Busy

Chimera strolled through the woods in a blasé fashion.

He was surrounded by a group of dragons. They were made entirely of fire and emitted so much heat that every competitor they met dived out of the way.

Despite this, he still had not located a sapphire.

"Baka, where could the sapphire be?"

This thought had barely crossed his mind when he picked up someone else's voice. The voice spoke in a hushed, urgent whisper.

"Wow! Look! There's a sapphire here!"

"There are so many of them!"

"Don't move! The sapphires are mine!"

There were, of course, no sapphires. Zhao Yao was up to no good again except this time, he had a new victim.

He stood right beside Chimera as he conjured the illusion of the hushed discussion.

A glimmer of hope shone in Chimera's eyes. He cheered quietly as he headed towards the voices.