The Plight and the Decision

Xiao Yu could hear her heart thumping in her ears.

She was beginning to feel afraid. How could she not when there so many hostile eyes were trained on them? She had borrowed Nekomata's spirit ability and it was a hundred times more useful than Fishball's disco lights, but it still could not protect her from so many opponents.

There were close to 50 teams, which amounted to 80 cats and apostles. There was no telling what kind of powers they might have and what damage they might inflict.

The thought brought on involuntary shivers. Xiao Yu was just a primary school kid after all.

Zhao Yao gently patted the top of her head.

"You're scared?" he chuckled.

"As if," Xiao Yu responded coolly, swatting Zhao Yao's hand away, "I bet you're the one who's scared."

She was terrified, but there was no way she would let her nephew know that. He would bring this up and mock her for the rest of their lives.