Get Out!

Charred ground desecrated the place as plumes of smoke spiraled into the sky. It was horrific.

Surrounded by the four elements encircling him, Yue Shan floated in mid-air as if he were a god. His eyes peered down at the burning crater beneath him as he sighed. "Dead already? Headless horseman?"

A blinding beam of light streaked across the sky as Explosive Man appeared right next to Yue Shan. Bursts of flame continued to shoot out from his feet as he traversed the vast sky. Explosive Man had turned into a real-life Iron Man.

"Weak! This simply means that this man has fallen behind the times!" Explosive Man muttered, "For years, I trained relentlessly in hopes of teaching him a lesson. Never did I expect him to lose to a bunch of army gimmicks. Weak."