Dream World

"D*mn it! Where did this fool get his strength from?" In a moment of fury, Nightmare Cat stretched opened his mouth before sinking his teeth into Mango's skin, ripping off a mouthful of fur.

The pain seared through Mango's body, leaving him writhing in pain. Nightmare Cat expelled the fur from his mouth before chuckling, "Stupid fella, do you know who you're up against? I'm the only cat trained in Wing Chun …"

Meow! A nasty grimace spread across Mango's face as fury raged through his body. He pounced towards this violent cat before sending a barrage of slaps across his face. Before Nightmare Cat could even retaliate, Mango had already sat right on top of him, preventing him from fighting back. Mango was not done yet. He continued his assault with another burst of slaps until Nightmare Cat started cowering in fear.

"Hey, stop it! Stop it!" Nightmare Cat shut his eyes and shielded his tiny head with his even tinier paws, "I submit, I submit to your rule!"