Dealing with Things

A cacophony of meows, cackles, and wails echoed in the extradimensional belly. These noises were translated into words when they reached Zhao Yao's ears. He could feel a throbbing ache at the back of his head from listening to the simultaneous conversations. Unsurprisingly, with more than a hundred supercats packed inside, the belly had descended into chaos.

Cats were darting around. Some had withdrawn to the comfort of the pet beds to observe their new surroundings. Others were fighting or squabbling over food or the toilet. A handful was sprawled out on the floor, passing around bags of catmint.

Of course, most of them were napping. These were cats after all.

Ares was seen maintaining a deflective field around the laptops to stop cats from fighting over them.

A variety of scratching posts, toys, and dolls were scattered all over the place.